marketing — Fashion business information and advise for fashion brands — Apparel Manufacturing and Consulting - Human B


How Can Fashion Brands Come out Stronger From Covid-19

How Can Fashion Brands Come out Stronger From Covid-19

In this video, Boaz shares ideas and three actions that fashion businesses and entrepreneurs should do during the pause period, to inspire and empower them to not only survive this but design a GROWTH PATH for their business!

How To Grow Your Fashion Brand In this Time Of Uncertainty

How To Grow Your Fashion Brand In this Time Of Uncertainty


You’re not alone. We speak to business owners just like you every day, and they are all worried too.

The fashion industry and retail are in a state of flux, and that uncertainty is affecting many businesses, including yours.

If you are one of these brands that used to do business the old way, then most likely, you are struggling to adapt and compete in this new reality.

How to Implement Instagram Shoppable Posts

How to Implement Instagram Shoppable Posts

Last month I had a great webinar with MarketTap, if you missed that CLICK HERE to listen to the recording.

During the webinar the topic of shoppable Instagram posts was mentioned as a "Social Media Must Have" in 2018.

During the Q&A session that followed our webinar, a number of the audience’s questions

Branding vs Marketing

Branding vs Marketing

Many times they are used in the same sentence and referred to as the same thing...but are they the same?

Not in my opinion.

Don't get me wrong, I think that marketing and branding are definitely related and feed each other but they are different in their purpose.

What Is The Right Price For My Fashion Product?

What Is The Right Price For My Fashion Product?

It's no news that pricing your product right will have a big impact on your sales.

But what is pricing it right means? 

This question can be even harder to answer if you are just starting your fashion brand. 

There are few ways to determine the right prices of your fashion products even at that stage. It requires some research, but It all comes down to defining your market positioning, your specific target customer and the value of your product for that customer.

5 Powerful Tips to Build Your Fashion Brand With Social Media

5  Powerful Tips to Build Your Fashion Brand With Social Media

There are 2 things I love about it:

Anybody can do it. 

There is no one way to do it which means anyone can do it their way.

Not to mention that its either free or at least can be affordable for any budget.

That is the beauty of social media marketing! 

Trade shows, Yes or No?

Trade shows, Yes or No?

I remember my first one.

I was about to launch my women’s line. 

The samples were ready, I had a great photo shoot done, I had the look book and line sheets ready and I even had a website (back than that was not a given).

I just needed to get into Coterie and the rest will be history....

3 Ways for Building Awareness to Your Fashion Brand

3  Ways for Building Awareness to Your Fashion Brand

This week Boaz was teaching a class at the Dg Expo show here in New York called - The 7 Points Checklist for Launching a Fashion Product. The 7th and last point on the list was Building awareness to your fashion brand - EARLY, before you even have something to sell.

How to Find A Niche for Your Fashion Brand.

How to Find A Niche for Your Fashion Brand.

When starting a fashion brand, thoroughly understanding your product, knowing who you’re selling to, and defining your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) are vital for the success of the brand. It sounds pretty obvious, right? Apparently not all businesses follow that.  

Niche business - a business targeting to a specific group of customers with a specific common shared interest, passion, or desire. 

Many new fashion brands don’t take the time to define their niche and end up spending their money and affords on the wrong targets. Starting a brand of dresses with interesting designs or with the

What's Your Story?

What's Your Story?

This post is written by our branding consultant Maria Pesin from Vibe Consulting.

I was at a trade show one day shopping for product to sell in my shoe and accessory store.  Passing by a booth I saw belts that looked interesting.  The salesperson gave me the information about the belts and I was ready to leave.  Then the owner of the company came over and told me the story of the company and the belts.  The story was so compelling that I sat right down and wrote an order.

Stories have the power to inform and educate, entice and engage a customer. Stories can 

3 Fashion Business Tips Learned at The FFCNYC.

3 Fashion Business Tips Learned at The FFCNYC.

This is Jessie, I’m a production associate here at Human B.

This past weekend we attended the Freestyle Fashion Conference hosted by Open Source Fashion here in New York which brought out an inspiring group of industry professionals to talk about fashion and business. We spent the day attending and teaching workshop classes on subjects ranging from Pop-Up Shops to Data Driven Marketing Strategies.

I want to share a few stand-out moments from the classes for those of you who couldn't make it:

1.       “Think about your personal brand socially versus professionally”.  Across every industry, the 

From Concept to Sales, 6 Things to Know about Starting and Running a Successful Fashion Brand

From Concept to Sales, 6 Things to Know about Starting and Running a Successful Fashion Brand

So much more goes into starting and running a successful fashion brand than good designs and branding. Often incredibly talented designers and very marketable labels fold for reasons that have very little to do with the actual concept behind the clothes.  So what is the secret recipe behind success in the fashion industry? What do the successful brands do that others don’t?

This Saturday we are hosting, together with Mood Fabrics at their NYC store a full day workshop.  We asked the three industry experts who will teach that day and whom each handle a piece of the fashion puzzle, from concept and creation to sales and marketing, for their two best tips on running a successful fashion brand and here is what they had to say: