
Do You Know Your Customer?

Do You Know Your Customer?

...Like really know your customer!

Not what you think, wish or hope that they would be like, and not just the high-level details of their age, income level, and location but the specifics of their character, habits, likes and dislikes, priorities, what a day in their life looks like and more as if they were your best friend or a close family member that you know very well.

In fact, when you start a brand (or any business for that matter) the first question you should answer is WHO AM I SELLING TO?

What Is The Right Price For My Fashion Product?

What Is The Right Price For My Fashion Product?

It's no news that pricing your product right will have a big impact on your sales.

But what is pricing it right means? 

This question can be even harder to answer if you are just starting your fashion brand. 

There are few ways to determine the right prices of your fashion products even at that stage. It requires some research, but It all comes down to defining your market positioning, your specific target customer and the value of your product for that customer.

5 Tips For Selling Your Fashion Brand To Retailers

5 Tips For Selling Your Fashion Brand To Retailers

A guest post by Maria Pesin from Vibe Consulting

I know, I know, selling is scary.  Will the customer like your product?  Will you seem too pushy?  Will you not push enough?  What if they reject you?  How do you even start?  These are many of the questions my clients ask me.  The truth is selling is not as hard as you think.  Just like anything you do there is a process.  Following the process will help take the fear out of selling.  The more you do it the easier it becomes and the better you get at it.  As entrepreneurs we need to get over our fear because without sales there is no business.  Even if you hire great salespeople, business owners who involve themselves in sales have better results.  Buyers love when the owner cares enough about their business to interact with them.  Here are my 5 tips to selling your brand to store:

How Feasible is Your Vision?

How Feasible is Your Vision?

Let's take a second to talk about the feasibility of your fashion business.

Before you jump all in to execute your vision it is really important for you to do your homework and find out how feasible your idea is.
Yes lots of times you will need the help of industry professionals which is where we can help, but even before that there is market research that you can probably can and should do on your own that will answer that question.

I thought the best way for me to address this subject will be to share an example of a general conversation that i often have with a designer on a feasibility consultation session.

The Biggest Investment in Your Fashion Brand!

The Biggest Investment in Your Fashion Brand!

Having a fashion business requires investments, many of them. Money, time, resources etc. these investments can be expensive and you never really know what the actual ROI would be. But the biggest investment that you can make will actually cost you nothing and the ROI is GUARANTIED! I’m referring to the investment in YOUR CUSTOMER!


As creative people, many times designers get caught up in their need to focus on…..themselves – their vision, their creativity, their dreams, their…. rather than thinking about the most valuable person to their business – Their customer. Let’s face it, having customers who buy your product is what will sponsor your business and make it a business rather than a hobby.

Here are 3 cheap (sometimes even free), and super easy ways that you can invest in your customer: