
How Much Does it Cost to Start a Fashion Brand?

How Much Does it Cost to Start a Fashion Brand?

Isn't that the million dollar question?

Unfortunately there isn’t one answer for that question. The answer depends on many aspects such as the product type, target market, price point, business concept, strategy etc.

The Biggest Investment in Your Fashion Brand!

The Biggest Investment in Your Fashion Brand!

Having a fashion business requires investments, many of them. Money, time, resources etc. these investments can be expensive and you never really know what the actual ROI would be. But the biggest investment that you can make will actually cost you nothing and the ROI is GUARANTIED! I’m referring to the investment in YOUR CUSTOMER!


As creative people, many times designers get caught up in their need to focus on…..themselves – their vision, their creativity, their dreams, their…. rather than thinking about the most valuable person to their business – Their customer. Let’s face it, having customers who buy your product is what will sponsor your business and make it a business rather than a hobby.

Here are 3 cheap (sometimes even free), and super easy ways that you can invest in your customer: