
How Busy Are you?

How Busy Are you?

When did being busy become the new measure of success? 

How many times you heard someone says 'I'm so busy,' yet you couldn't stop but thinking, what are they so busy with???

Feeling busy makes someone feel successful and accomplished while giving others the impression that that person is indeed successful....more so, they might even envy them.

A Small Win is Still a WIN

A Small Win is Still a WIN

The new year is just around the corner and If you are like me than you most likely in the process of (or about to) reflecting on this last year’s achievements while setting up your new year’s resolutions.
For many years now I would have my yearly resolutions mapped out before the start of a year but it never really worked. It's only in these last 4 years that the process became fruitful with measurable results that helped improve my personal life and grow my business. So what made the difference you’re asking??? How can you do the same?
Two main points made it all different for me: