
4 Misconceptions About Launching a Fashion Kickstarter

4 Misconceptions About Launching a Fashion Kickstarter

If you’re one of those entrepreneurs currently weighing your options about how to launch your company or a new collection, keep reading.

Today I want to go over four of the major misconceptions about launching a crowdfunding campaign.

MISCONCEPTION #1: Kickstarter = “donations.”

50 for 50!

50 for 50!

Helping you avoid the thousands of pitfalls that can shatter your fashion business dreams.
That is my job! 
And I love it! 
However, as a result, in the majority of my content I usually address what mistakes to look out for, which doesn't leave much room to talk about the great things that our fashion industry has to offer.
After all, there is a reason why soooo many people want to be  part of this industry.

What is Cash Flow And Why is It so Important for Fashion Brand?

What is Cash Flow And Why is It so Important for Fashion Brand?

When I first heard about cash flow in relation to my fashion business I thought to myself: What does it have to do with fashion??? I went to fashion school not accounting, right? ....Just checking.
And my ego added: I have a great style, people love my designs, they'll buy them and my brand will be successful...

As I mentioned before...I made quite a lot of mistakes with my fashion brand and paid heavily for them, the above was one of them.

What is cash flow?  
Cash flow is the net amount of cash moving into and out of a business. 

3 Fashion Brands that Kicked the Bucket - Learn Why

3 Fashion Brands that Kicked the Bucket - Learn Why

Another stale broccoli casserole?
A few more polite words with “the family”?
Too many “what a shames” and too many “I saw this coming”...
This is getting all too common. 
Seeing another promising fashion startup that has been laid to rest has really stirred me up.
And you know what?

The Key Points for Building a Successful Fashion Business

The Key Points for Building a Successful Fashion Business

I am currently reading the book Great By Choice. In this book the authors, business researchers: Jim Collins & Morten T. Hanson,  enumerate the principals for building a truly great enterprise in fast-moving times.

What are the key points for building a successful business? Is it innovation? Do you need to be a geniuses leader who can predict the future? Is it a question of money?.....Is there a secret that we should all know of?…… maybe it’s just pure luck after all???  

5 Points to Consider When Pricing Your Fashion Product

5 Points to Consider When Pricing Your Fashion Product

Spring 2015 market is just around the corner, how is the sample making process going for you so far? Hopefully your collection is coming well and on time. A major next step for you is pricing your products right to make sure you are making a profit. So as you are getting your cost sheets ready and to help you avoid this bad experience here are 5 points to consider while costing and pricing your fashion line: